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Grant, for delivering the best speech the world has ever seen, has been threatened by the psychotic Mr Stephens. This is, presumably, out of an insane jealousy becuse of his own far inferior, "marine story". The crappiest anecdote since sliced bread (was told in anectode form)


Firstly, "Breach of the peace". Does he know what that is? I don't think so! Sure Indecent exposure, but its just mooning! Everybody does it (including JfK)! For a full definition of "Breach of the Peace" click here
Secondly, i found the real reason Mr Ian Stephens dislikes any sort of public nudity. It all started back in 1978 when he realised he enjoyed getting his willy out. this led to hundreds of public streakings, and eventually, a complete ban on showing his body (a taliban if you will). I dug up this fairly disturbing photo.

If you want the uncensored version, what the fuck is wrong with you?

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