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The Basics of Pluralosity
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The basics of Pluarosity are extremely complicated. It all began back in 1624 with the Jewish revolt in Macclesfield. That was some weekend.

The fine art of making things plural has long been in need of revamping, much like the BBC's current affairs schedule. Ever since Noah made plural cool Ive been biding my time, thinking up new ways to make the zebras cooler with my own brand of non-sensical tripe. So here it is, pluralosity in its full glory.


For no apparent purpose I shall use the aforementioned example as a building block of explanation.


1 zebra is a zebra

1+ zebra is zebras

a group of zebras is zebri

a group of groups of zebri is zebree

a group of groups  of groups of zebree is zebrewgh


This can be made simpler by thinking of a box filled with lots of other little boxes. In fact imagine, zebra to be a straight line, now add a second dimension and you will have zebras. Add a third dimension, thus making a box, and you shall achieve a level of zebri. Now that you have a box, imagine having a 2D line of boxes, making zebree. Now if you were to make this line of zebree have another dimension, you would have zebrewgh. And if you add to that (which is physically and metaphorically impossible) a strange thing happens you become dizzy and pass out, much akin to a nutmeg trip.


An end, by Matthew Howland

Copyright © 2004 Plurals are funny. Part-creatorship of pluralosity is claimed by
Mr. Jhon Mtahers